
Crafting a job: revisioning employees as active crafters of their work

Crafting a Job: Revisioning Employees As Active Crafters of Their Work

Amy Wrzesniewski, Jane E. Dutton

Academy of Management Review, Vol.26, No.2, pp.179-201, 2001.

We propose that employees craft their jobs by changing cognitive, task and/or relational boundaries to shape interactions and relationships with others at work. These altered task and relational configurations change the design and social environment of the job, which, in turn, alters work meanings and work identity. We offer a model of job crafting that specifies (1) the individual motivations that spark this activity, (2) how opportunities to job craft and how individual work orientations determine the forms job crafting takes and (3) its likely individual and organizational effects. 

meanings of works, job crafting, work identity, boundaries of work


ただ、一点、この論文で気になるのは、Moderator としてMotivation Orientationを挙げているが、これはマクレランドの達成動機、親和動機、権力動機、回避動機を言ってるのかなぁと思ったら、内発的動機付けと外発的動機付けだった。ちょっと、そこは違う気がする。これらの概念はあくまで結果変数ととらえた方が良いのではないか?それがDeciの理論。一方、マクレランドの理論は一種のパーソナリティ(長い年月をかけて発達してきたもの)としての根本的な動機傾向なのでマッチするとおもうのだが。


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