



高野 研一, 佐相 邦英, 佐野 敏明, 鈴木 弘一, 野地 邦男

Efficient and concurrent operator training seems to be crucial in near future because of an increase in operators to be trained due to gereration alternations. Ever devloped Man-Machine Simulator (MMS) has everal merit: (1) oprators' cognitive and behavioral activities among team in emergency could be simulated based on the concurrent mental model; (2) Simulated scenarios could be expanded to multiple malfunctions events, to all of which procedures could not be stipulated previously; (3)Standard behavior in coping with anomalies including communication and operations could be presented. This paper describes the development of an operator taining system by applying this MMS. Three dimensional computer graphics (3D-CG) was adopted for improving the training effects and attracting operators' interest by visually presenting realistic oprating team behavior in the main control room. Towards the completion of the operator training system, following designs of system configration and devlopments of several basic techniques were availed:
(1) Imaging the utilization of the operator training systems, functions to be equipped and system configrations for realizing functions were determined. And three of scenarios were chosen in order to appeal the merits of the MMS and to raise training effects.
(2) Knowledge base was completed to execute simulations. And Connection between operator team model and plant simulator, that is the 2nd generation type simulator of the BTC-4, was executed to obtain simulation results (time sequential log data of plant dynamics and operating team behavior).
(3) Operator's actions seen in VCR tapes in real training were modeked on 3D-CG using the people Shop software. The 3D-CG of main control panel was prepared using MultiGen Software.

電力中央研究所技術報告S00003, 2001




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