Prologue: The Scope of Resilience Engineering
Erik Hollnagel
Resilience Engineering in Practice: A Guidebook, pp. xxix-xxxix, Ashgate Pub. Co., 2011.4.
Resilience, four cornerstones of resilience, Learning, Responding, Monitoring, Anticipating
レジリエンスについての現時点('12,May, 15)で最新(?)の解説本のプロローグ。
特に、normal operationというのは、これまであまり注目されてこなかった。その理由は
1) It is nice when things go right, but there is no need to pay much attention to them precisely because they go right.
2) It is also due to the fact that as we get used to something, we tend not to notice it any longer.
if the resilience of a system is defined by the abilities to respond to the actual, to monitor the critical, to anticipate the potential, and to learn from the factual, an obvious question is how this can be brought about? This is really the question of how resilience can be engineered or the question of what Resilience Engineering is in practice. A detailed answer, or rather detailed answers, can be developed by considering each of the four factors in a more operational perspective. This quickly leads to a number of issues that can serve as the starting point for more concrete measures (cf., Epilogue). The focus on the issues arising from each of the four factors provides a way to think about Resilience Engineering in a practical manner. Staring from the level of the system as a whole this soon leads to the development of operational details and specific steps to be taken on a concrete level. This can, however, only be done by referring to a specific domain or field of activity, or even to a specific organisation at a certain time. Much of that may obviously make use of existing methods and techniques, although seen from a resilience perspective and in some cases be supplemented by new methods and techniques. For any given domain or organisation it will also be necessary to determine the relative weight or importance of the four main abilities, that is, how much of each is needed. The right proportion cannot be determined analytically, but must be based on expert knowledge of the system under considerations and with due considerations of the characteristics of the core business. Yet the minimum requirement is that none of the four can be left out if a system wants to call itself resilient.
if the resilience of a system is defined by the abilities to respond to the actual, to monitor the critical, to anticipate the potential, and to learn from the factual, an obvious question is how this can be brought about? This is really the question of how resilience can be engineered or the question of what Resilience Engineering is in practice. A detailed answer, or rather detailed answers, can be developed by considering each of the four factors in a more operational perspective. This quickly leads to a number of issues that can serve as the starting point for more concrete measures (cf., Epilogue). The focus on the issues arising from each of the four factors provides a way to think about Resilience Engineering in a practical manner. Staring from the level of the system as a whole this soon leads to the development of operational details and specific steps to be taken on a concrete level. This can, however, only be done by referring to a specific domain or field of activity, or even to a specific organisation at a certain time. Much of that may obviously make use of existing methods and techniques, although seen from a resilience perspective and in some cases be supplemented by new methods and techniques. For any given domain or organisation it will also be necessary to determine the relative weight or importance of the four main abilities, that is, how much of each is needed. The right proportion cannot be determined analytically, but must be based on expert knowledge of the system under considerations and with due considerations of the characteristics of the core business. Yet the minimum requirement is that none of the four can be left out if a system wants to call itself resilient.
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