



人間工学 vol.17, No.4, 161-165, 1981


鉄道 運転 ヒューマンファクター ヒューマンエラー 国鉄







電気学会誌, vol.113, no.10, 828-833, 1993


鉄道 ヒューマンファクター 運転士 ヒューマンエラー 自動化 自動運転






No.318 運転スキル抽出のための注視点遷移パターンの分析手法とその模擬プラントへの適用


五福 明夫、星本 達也

ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, Vol.14, No.2, pp.49-56, 2012.

Recently, the succession of operation skill not to reduce the quality of plant operation is widely considered in Japanese oil and chemical industries because many skilled operators who have much operationo know-how and many experiences are retiring.Therefore, it is necessary to extract and express the operationg skill of skilled operators and to succeed the extracted skill to younger operators. This study deals with a technique based on the ISM (Interpretive Structural Modeling) method to analyze trasition patterns of eye fixation points on the symbols of an operation panel for the purpose of extracting the skill of understanding of plant condition in relation with operations. The technique expresses a transition pattern as a causal structure. This study uses the DURESS (Dual REServoir System) as an example plant. The eye movements in DURESS operations are measured and analyzed. The analyzed resuls show that the transition pattern of a subject at skilled class has balanced causal relations among the symbols of reservoir water level, reservoir water temperture, and heater output and there are two operation strategies in DURESS operation.

Opertaion skill, eye fixation points, analysis of transition pattern, ISM method, DURESS







田中 堅一郎

経営行動科学, Vol.14, No.2, pp.87-97, 2001.

The present study examined oraganizational retaliatory behavior (ORB), proposed by Skarlicki & Folger (1997, 1999), in Japanese organizations. ORB was defined as the behavioral responses of employees that casuse the loss of performance in the workplase, and result in a loss to effective functions of the organization, though not haming employees. Two handred and twenty Japanese employees completed questionnaires about ORB, organizational justice, and mood in the workplace. The results of factor analysis indicated that ORB scale had two factors (interpersonal deviant behavior, sabotage), though the previous study reported the existence of single factor. Results demonstrated that the interpersonal deviant behavior had the negative relationship to oranizatinal justice (procedural and interactive) and associated positively with the negative mood in workplace; sabotage had the positive relationsihp to negative mood in workplace and associated negatively with the positive mood in workplace. These results suggested that mood in the workplace, as compared with oragnizational justice, had stronger infuluence on ORB.









物理的環境   −−┐
普段の対人行動 −−┴− 人の価値観は前提として、その時々の気分を直接描く

情報環境 −−┐
組織文化 −−┴− 人の価値観そのものにアプローチ。価値観が変われば、当然その場その場の気分も変わる! 




高橋 美保

東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要, Vol.45, pp.149-157, 2005.

Due to the change of the labor markets, it is said that Japanese working consciousness has been changing. The puropse of this paper is to pursue the questing asking "What is the characteristic of Japanese working consciousness". Firstly, the various words which have some relation to the word "working" were examined. It was found that the notion of working itself has been changing historically, and the wordk "working" has multifold meanings. Secondly, Japanese working consciousness was pictured based on the theoretical studies and research, and was also investigated from the aspect of its historical and intentional originality. Finally, the prospective of future studies on Japanese working consciousness were proposed.






Prologue: The Scope of Resilience Engineering

Prologue: The Scope of Resilience Engineering

Erik Hollnagel

Resilience Engineering in Practice: A Guidebook, pp. xxix-xxxix, Ashgate Pub. Co., 2011.4.



Resilience, four cornerstones of resilience, Learning, Responding, Monitoring, Anticipating


レジリエンスについての現時点('12,May, 15)で最新(?)の解説本のプロローグ。

特に、normal operationというのは、これまであまり注目されてこなかった。その理由は
1) It is nice when things go right, but there is no need to pay much attention to them precisely because they go right.

2) It is also due to the fact that as we get used to something, we  tend not to notice it any longer.


  if the resilience of a system is defined by the abilities to respond to the actual, to monitor the critical, to anticipate the potential, and to learn from the factual, an obvious question is how this can be brought about? This is really the question of how resilience can be engineered or the question of what Resilience Engineering is in practice. A detailed answer, or rather detailed answers, can be developed by considering each of the four factors in a more operational perspective.   This quickly leads to a number of issues that can serve as the starting point for more concrete measures (cf., Epilogue). The focus on the issues arising from each of the four factors provides a way to think about Resilience Engineering in a practical manner. Staring from the level of the system as a whole this soon leads to the development of operational details and specific steps to be taken on a concrete level. This can, however, only be done by referring to a specific domain or field of activity, or even to a specific organisation at a certain time. Much of that may obviously make use of existing methods and techniques, although seen from a resilience perspective and in some cases be supplemented by new methods and techniques. For any given domain or organisation it will also be necessary to determine the relative weight or importance of the four main abilities, that is, how much of each is needed. The right proportion cannot be determined analytically, but must be based on expert knowledge of the system under considerations and with due considerations of the characteristics of the core business. Yet the minimum requirement is that none of the four can be left out if a system wants to call itself resilient.   




古見 文一、子安 増生

心理学研究, Vol.83, No.1, pp.18-26, 2012.

This study invesitgated the development of "mindleading" in young adults. Forty university students were divided into two groups(role-play group and no-role-play group). Then they participated in perspective-taking task in which the use of mindleading is essential. The participants viewd a computer display of eight familiar objects in different compartments of a wall divider with four rows of four compartments. Some of the compartments were open to see through, while others had back panels and thus which, if any, objects was ppresent could only be seen from the participant's side. They were instructed to touch the display corresponding to an objec in a compartment in accord with the instructions of a "manager" who stood behind the divider and thus could not see into all of the compartments. The no-role-play group made more error than role-play group, and took longer to respond. The effects of role play lasted during five successive task blocks. These results suggest that experience with role play activates mindleading in this perspective-taking task.

Role play, perspective taking, theory of mind, reaction time, mindreading.

